Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Still lambing, we literally just got Internet so I'm alive! It's been snowing like mad and super cold, but really fun! Shall blog a bit more when I have more time :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lambing Round 2

I'm leaving for lambing tomorrow! Hopefully there's cell service and/or internet so I can be connected to the world, and blog if I can! Wish me luck, it looks like its going to snow a big so here's hoping its indoors!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Physt Oral DONE!

Finally done with that exam! I feel like it went well, though one crazy graph about sheep seasonality confused me for a min but I think I talked through it well enough. Anywho its done and now for a weekend off, before I start studying for the real exams.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Next time you have a chicken

we're doing a bit of avian anatomy and intermixed with the actual practical stuff are a few nuggets of knowledge: apparently when they gut the chicken they basically drill out the guts, drill in, drill out. Also this process leaves the kidneys and, if said chicken is male, the testes. So next time you have a chicken have a wee look inside for the kidneys and testes! I'll have to next time I see one!