Been a little while since my last post, but it's been a little quiet here, mostly studying to exams! Even though they aren't until Dec the time is flying by way to fast! Thurs was the Ceilidh, which was so much fun! I tried to find some good video to post but they aren't very good, I shall look more! Basically it's like line dancing, but better and way more fun! And there were so many kilts! They say its not a successful Ceilidh unless you have a few bruises, and as I had bruises under both arms, a slightly twisted ankle, and knots in my calves, I would say very successful Ceilidh indeed! Fri was class until 5, anatomy dissection was pretty fun, we looked at muscles and then when we were done we removed the scapula and after dislocating the shoulder joint, good times! And I got my dissection kit and Guide to the Dissection of the Dog book (finally!) so that was all very exciting. Sat and Sun was mostly windy, rainy, and studying! Sat some of us QM people went down the street to a pub for a bit, but the next day it was back to the books! Mon I had class all day, very long day, but we're getting into more interesting stuff the days are going by quickly! Today we went up to Cochno to restrain cows! Mostly it was learning how to tie knots that you use to tie them to posts or tip them, but still quite fun! Thats about it for now, until later!

cow in a crush
my new bff regina aka Eliza Moo-little
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