Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cleanliness is close to Vetliness

So.Much.Cleaning. That's basically all I did today, deep clean my ENTIRE dorm room, did a massive load of laundry, as well as class and gym. So a productive day to say the least, though not that interesting to blog about. So instead I'll entertain you with a game I like to play while I study. Its called, what would this be for humans, ie: what would a medic have to learn about humans if they were studying them like vets study animals. Nutrition? Appropriate housing? How much does the temperature change in a house when 4 humans live in it? It is properly ventilated? Is there a draught? What is the stocking density? What is the normal state for a human to be in? How would they behave before they were domesticated? Non-vets may not find this as entertaining as we do, but it certainly makes for some fun discussions! Now off to study nerve blocks, what I wouldn't give for a horse forelimb right about now!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That game sounds fun! So how would a human behave pre-domestication? I'm so proud of you for cleaning!!!! Miss you and can't wait to see you this summer!

  3. you should see my room, so clean! my best guess would be like a hunter-gatherer type thing? its more fun when you've had to sit through lectures of how horses should eat and how we're killing them by not having them graze properly etc. still fun though. and when you come i'll have a whole new apt to clean!

  4. so happy to read - even about cleaning. such a fun thing in my day. yes - it sounds interesting to consider humans in those instances. we don't often think about humans in those circumstances.
