Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today was the most amazing day ever!!! O wait, I just studied all day, never mind! Though I did get inducted into a very select group of UK society, those with BCG injection scars! Its a right of passage (well not really) but at least when this stupid thing forms all us US kids who got the shot will have matching scars with all the UK kids! Here's what I get to look forward to over the coming weeks:
In 7-10 days time a small red swelling will develop at the site of immunisation. This will gradually extend to a circular area approximately 5-6mm in diameter
In 5-6 weeks time there should be a smooth purplish-pink scar which should become colourless in 3-4 months
If the reaction becomes moist or discharges pus, a dry dressing should be applied and changed daily until the discharge ceases
Fun stuff! So far it is uninteresting (knock on wood) but I've heard some interesting stores, so if anything cool (ie: gross0looking) happens I'll be sure to document it for ya'll!