Monday, October 15, 2012

Fun Filled Weekend!

Well I can't say that being a vet student is all work! After a productive week I continued to be productive all day sat, physiology is starting to come together in my brain (hopefully), so I was a good student all day! So much productivity. Sat night went to dinner at the good Mediterranean place in Merchant City and then went to see Looper, which was really good! Very cool and surprising, I quite liked it! Sunday a group of us went bungee jumping! It was so cool! When we got there the employees were all in fancy dress, which was really fun. It turned out that Sun was the last day of the season and there were blue skies and it was a brilliant day! So the Grimm Reaper lead us all up the lift to the top of the crane (we bungeed off a crane over the river Clyde) and we walked over to near the jump off point. We weren't sure who was going to go first, so when they found out which bungee was attached (the bungees are different depending on weight) they said 'Who's green?" Oh, just me? Ya, so I got to (had to) go first!! Everything was pretty cool until the point when I hopped over to the edge and they told me that on the count of 1,2,3,bungee! I would have to dive, head first, down. That was when it hit me that  was going to have to make the conscious decision to throw myself off of this thing, they weren't going to push me and I wasn't attached to someone who was going to do it for me like in skydiving. So for a second I thought 'I've made a huge mistake!' But when they counted down somehow I found the nerve, or general stupidity, to let gravity do its thing and dove off. It was so much fun! It was great that we were able to do it together and was certainly a bonding experience! Afterwards we all headed to Brew Dog for pizza and beer and then later to the 78 for dinner since some people had never been and it's right around the corner. So all in all a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Bungee!! Isn't it SO much fun! I am totally obsessed and would do it again in a heart beat. Maybe we will have to have another cousin adrenaline adventure sometime in the future!
