Monday, January 28, 2013
EMS Booked!
Finally booked all my EMS that was pending, so far I have 5 weeks, with the possibility of another one if all goes well. Now I'm just looking for something to do in July, possibly travel somewhere that has housing nearby or maybe just go calving again for fun, I haven't totally decided, but hopefully something turns up!
Friday, January 25, 2013
standard week
Pretty standard week this week, nothing particularly interesting happened. We looked at a bunch of udders which was cool, but at some point you've seen one udder you've seen them all! I now have 5 weeks of EMS set for the summer so that's exciting, and I'm working on a week or 2 more, so that'll set me up quite nicely for next year I think (and hope!) Plus it gives me something to do all summer! Still haven't decided whether or not I'll go back to my calving place yet, I'll have to look at some dates and have a think. Tonight is my friends birthday/Burns night, so I had a bit of haggis, my flatmate made haggis cupcakes, which were actually really good! and we're heading over there in a wee bit.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
More Reproduction
It never seems to end, but it's actually really interesting! Today we dissected a pregnant uterus, so that was really cool, and we took out to foetus' heart and saw the foramen ovale, which was also really cool. Had a wee chat about ultrasound, and more lecture. Pretty standard day. Also I sorted some EMS, so that'll be 3 weeks I'm doing so far! And they're going to look into Small Animal and possible Equine stuff for me to do, so thats exciting! Primarily I'm excited to do cow stuff!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Productive Un-productive weekend
This weekend was pretty much a bust when it comes to doing work, but quite fun! Sat we had a Lord of the Rings marathon at my friends house. I mostly wanted to go because he has a super cute kitten, and as I have all of the LOTR extended editions, going somewhere else to see them is not a necessity, but a kitten it. Initially we were only going to watch 1 and then see how the evening progressed, but we ended up watching all 3, I still can't believe we made it all the way through, and I got to cuddle with le kitten, particularly when she discovered that boobs make an excellent shelf on which to perch and curl up, so yay boobs! Sun we went downtown for a bit with the idea of seeing a move, but when we got there the queue was so long, out the door, and it was freezing/snowing a wee bit, we decided to take our starbucks back home and watch a movie there. Then my flatmate from GA had a southern fried food night, so we ate a crap ton of fried pickles, fried tomatoes, fried okra, black eyes peas, cornbread, biscuits, collard greens, fried chicken, and probably something I'm forgetting. Needless to say it was delicious, and then we all played cards against humanity again and all hung out together. Now we have class all day, and its freezing! And snowing a little, though barely. Also working on coordinating some EMS stuff over the summer, so hopefully it works out!
Mouse on my shoulder
Adorable kitten is adorable
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Getting Nailed
Tonight was Mr. Vet school, that special time of year where the classiest among us get together in a night of fun, laughs, and general debauchery. Well not really, this year was pretty tame, no one made a sunday in their mouths, ate it, threw it back up, and ate it again. Plus our very favorite physiology professor stayed until nearly the end! But then he was kicked out, gutted. Any who his talent was to hammer a nail IN HIS NOSE! Needless to say, we were all quite shocked, but he didn't break anything and his brain still seems to be functioning. No one from my class won this year, but no one could even come close to our champion from last year, and he promised to come back 5th year with flying colours (though you could tell he was itching to get on stage this year). All in all it was a fun night, nice to see every one outside of class, and as I have no class tomorrow I'm going to have a bit of a lie in I think! And then run errands all day and do work, yay! Still working on summer EMS plans, hopefully something shakes out soon, I just need to be patient!
Monday, January 14, 2013
We all have Herpes
This weekend was pretty fun! I spent Sat driving around up north and went through Dundee and Arbroath and I even got to go on the majestic Isle of Fife. Also I saw some highland cows, so that was exciting. Then we went to dinner and it was my friends birthday so we went to her place and played teletrations, which was hilarious, and then went out to O'Neils which was really fun. It started off with some live music, which was amazing, and then turned into a dance party and they played great music (Backstreet's Back, nuff said). Sun I hung out with my big vet and we went to lunch at this veg place I've been meaning to try and it was amazing, so we need to go back there again plus they have teas from all over the world. Afterwards I did a bit of work and then went over to my friends house to watch the Houston game for a while until it was time for bed.
Today we continued immunology and had some bioethics classes, all on main uni so it was close, but still quite a long day, especially when you have to shuffle back and forth between buildings all day blah. In immunology we learned that basically we all have been collecting herpesviruses all our lives and have about 6 types in our system that we use to mount an immune response, and then when you're immunocompromised for whatever reason it flares up, so we all have herpes, fun fact!
Today we continued immunology and had some bioethics classes, all on main uni so it was close, but still quite a long day, especially when you have to shuffle back and forth between buildings all day blah. In immunology we learned that basically we all have been collecting herpesviruses all our lives and have about 6 types in our system that we use to mount an immune response, and then when you're immunocompromised for whatever reason it flares up, so we all have herpes, fun fact!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Lambing Sorted!
I've been trying to sort of my lambing for over the break, which was basically seeing if anything good came through the emails or if I was going to go back where I went last time. One came through that a student recommended AND they have a small beef herd calving round the same time, so I'll get more calving experience! So I just gave him a ring and got it! So one less thing I have to worry about (also since it's in southern England I can actually understand his accent, not like in Yorkshire). So that's done! And there'll be another student there, so it wont be as miserable (hopefully!).
Other than that we went to see Le Mis yesterday, and then went to my friends to play cards against humanity, which is like apples to apples by way more fun!
Other than that we went to see Le Mis yesterday, and then went to my friends to play cards against humanity, which is like apples to apples by way more fun!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Nasty Horny Bitches
What I learned today: the clinical symptoms of neoplasms in sheep is aggressive nymphomania. Good to know. Also the nasty horny bitches phrase was courtesy of my professor. Tonight we;re going to pub quiz down the street, and its a movie themed one, so hopefully we win!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
An hour for an hour
Meaning we traveled for an hour today, more or less, for an hour of class, so a pretty easy day! Still getting re-used to waking up and using my brain this much again, so it definitely was an accomplishment getting out of bed for on hour of trace element lectures, jealous much? Spent the rest of the day finding EMS stuff and studying and at le gym. I have a placement now for next summer for a week or two, now just to finalize THIS summer, but a little at a time I suppose! Going downtown in a bit for dinner and I think a movie, since I can get free movies on Wed, woot! Other than that not much doing here today, can't wait for the sun to behave normally so I don't feel like its time for bed at 5!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Where's the uterus?
We're doing primarily female reproductive anatomy and physiology now, so today we had a demo and then did a bitch spay, or we attempted to do a bitch spay, since once we were into the abdominal cavity there was no uterus. I searched for a while, but when I came up with nil we asked our professor and he declared that the dog had already been spayed. We noted a potential scar before we went in, and it was a previous spay, oh well. We had a wee feel around anyway, found the vagina stump thats the remnant of the spay and I found the kidneys for everyone (they're an anatomical landmark for spays) and that was pretty much it for the day. Working on potentially finding some place to work during the summer, so searching around a wee bit. Other than that went to the gym and I'll probably study a bit tonight to keep on top of stuff, especially since our phys exam is at the end of this term and its a short one!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Well it's not lit you guys are going to be brain surgions...actually you will become brain surgens!
So I'm back in Glasgow! The flight back home wasn't too bad, just long! I pretty much passed out as soon as I got home, and was pretty confused when I realised the next day it was Sat, flying against the time change is very confusing. Anywho I mostly unpacked the next day just hung about, saw a movie and went to dinner, we were mostly just bumming around for the next few days enjoying time off.
For Hogmanay, which is New Years, we went to Edinburgh which was really fun! I think it was my first New Years where I actually did something that wasn't at home, and it was really fun! There were free concerts and rides and games and a bunch of food and drink carts and it was fun to just walk around, though towards midnight it got insanely crowded! And the fireworks were crazy! At first they were just impressive, then by the end there was so much firework and smoke you couldn't even see the castle anymore! (I should mention they shot them off form Edinburgh Castle). It was really fun! Unfortunately we didn't plan too far ahead so there were no hotel rooms available, or at lease ones that were cheap or didn't make you stay for 3 days, so we drove home, but it wasn't too bad, it even snowed on the way home! The last week off I've mostly been relaxing, watching a terrible amount of TV, but enjoying being bored before school starts and it gets crazy!
Today we had our first day back. It wasnt too bad, except that 3 of the 4 classes are in different rooms, and different buildings all over uni, so we sit for an hour, move, have the same class in a different place, move to anatomy, and then we were done! But then we got an email telling us about these review presentations that we have to present to our groups (which we knew nothing about and didn't even know that we were going to have to do them at some point) and the first groups go wed! Fortunately mines not till Feb, so I have a bit longer to get it all together, and its a group thing so it shouldn't be too bad, but its still a tad confusing, but thats true for a lot of our program. Tomorrows a busy day, so I did some notes and studying and cleaning now and hopefully get to bed kinda early to be rested for tomorrow, so I don't nod off in class!
For Hogmanay, which is New Years, we went to Edinburgh which was really fun! I think it was my first New Years where I actually did something that wasn't at home, and it was really fun! There were free concerts and rides and games and a bunch of food and drink carts and it was fun to just walk around, though towards midnight it got insanely crowded! And the fireworks were crazy! At first they were just impressive, then by the end there was so much firework and smoke you couldn't even see the castle anymore! (I should mention they shot them off form Edinburgh Castle). It was really fun! Unfortunately we didn't plan too far ahead so there were no hotel rooms available, or at lease ones that were cheap or didn't make you stay for 3 days, so we drove home, but it wasn't too bad, it even snowed on the way home! The last week off I've mostly been relaxing, watching a terrible amount of TV, but enjoying being bored before school starts and it gets crazy!
Today we had our first day back. It wasnt too bad, except that 3 of the 4 classes are in different rooms, and different buildings all over uni, so we sit for an hour, move, have the same class in a different place, move to anatomy, and then we were done! But then we got an email telling us about these review presentations that we have to present to our groups (which we knew nothing about and didn't even know that we were going to have to do them at some point) and the first groups go wed! Fortunately mines not till Feb, so I have a bit longer to get it all together, and its a group thing so it shouldn't be too bad, but its still a tad confusing, but thats true for a lot of our program. Tomorrows a busy day, so I did some notes and studying and cleaning now and hopefully get to bed kinda early to be rested for tomorrow, so I don't nod off in class!
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