This weekend was pretty much a bust when it comes to doing work, but quite fun! Sat we had a Lord of the Rings marathon at my friends house. I mostly wanted to go because he has a super cute kitten, and as I have all of the LOTR extended editions, going somewhere else to see them is not a necessity, but a kitten it. Initially we were only going to watch 1 and then see how the evening progressed, but we ended up watching all 3, I still can't believe we made it all the way through, and I got to cuddle with le kitten, particularly when she discovered that boobs make an excellent shelf on which to perch and curl up, so yay boobs! Sun we went downtown for a bit with the idea of seeing a move, but when we got there the queue was so long, out the door, and it was freezing/snowing a wee bit, we decided to take our starbucks back home and watch a movie there. Then my flatmate from GA had a southern fried food night, so we ate a crap ton of fried pickles, fried tomatoes, fried okra, black eyes peas, cornbread, biscuits, collard greens, fried chicken, and probably something I'm forgetting. Needless to say it was delicious, and then we all played cards against humanity again and all hung out together. Now we have class all day, and its freezing! And snowing a little, though barely. Also working on coordinating some EMS stuff over the summer, so hopefully it works out!

Mouse on my shoulder
Adorable kitten is adorable
Adorable kitten IS adorable! It's snowing here too and I had to drive in the snow for the first time ever today!