Thursday, May 30, 2013

Finally a sunny day!

Today was a really nice day weather wise! Which is good for the grass to grow so the farmer can start turning the cows out onto it, so that's good for them! We started the morning with a bullock laying flat out, so we went to see what was wrong with him. So far as we could tell (and by we I mean the vet) there was either some sort of gut tortion, or some sort of slipped disc in the night, ether way he wasn't getting up again, so we called the people who come and captive bolt down cows and send him to the slaughter house.
After lunch I went out for another round of dehornings. These went a lot smoother than the first one since they were a bit older than the other so the dehorner was able to scoop out all of the bud and all the vet had to do was pull out the cornual artery to stop the bleeding. And we have them jabs for Se, Cu and I boluses, and a jab for deworming. Afterwards the farmer invited us in for a cup of tea and we had a lovely chat!
When we got back I got grabbed up to go to a diary to do some P/D and some had some illnesses so we assessed that. There was a possibly RDA so that was cool to listen to, or it could have been gas. I practised doing a clinical exam and gave an IV injection so that was fun! Can't believe it's already thurs! How time flies!

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