Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Viva Glasvegas!

Well I'm officially back in Glasgow! The flight wasn't terrible, though I was next to a couple with a baby and because they had a baby they decided that they could take my seat, so I sat in the window seat. I pretty much watched movies and napped a bit and then we touched down, we even arrived early! Normally that would be a good thing, but since it was 6:50am, to me, it was just more time I had to stay awake before I could sleep! I spent the first day hanging out with my flatmates. We went to lunch and registered for new doctors, since the ones from school aren't all that great, and walked around downtown when my other friend came in from France. Then we came home and watched movies while I attempted to stay awake, it was getting tough at this point. Then I put away my clothes, though when I opened my bag I was shocked to find that one of the pickle jars had shattered! So some of my clothes smelled a little pickley. Then I took some nyquil and passed out unitl morning. The next day I did some work that I needed to do, and cleaned a bit, and then went into city centre with my flatmate to get some stuff. Then I cleaned/watched movies a bit and we all headed to a pub quiz down the road. It was a new one and pretty fun! We came in 3rd, which was surprising since we rarely place so highly! And that's been pretty much it, trying to enjoy the last bit of summer before school starts and we never leave the flat again!


  1. congrats on your pub quiz placing!!

  2. Also, sounds like my flight from London to Chicago. Spent the flight next to a 3 year old who kicked me half the flight.
