Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Today there wasn't a bunch in, but we still had a full day, In the morning a bitch came in that was questionably a week overdue with her pups, but the owners weren't sure exactly when a stray dog came into the yard (even though they may have watched it?) So we gave her some oxytocin, but that wasn't having any effect, so we went ahead and did a Caesarian. The first pup was born alive, but with all its organs outside of its body. The next one was pretty similar but with a cleft palate and deformed front legs, and the third was normal. Hopefully the pup can work out feeding and the dog can work out mothering once she heals up a bit better. Another dog came in that had been attacked by another dog and had some broken toes. Another dog came in later that had also been attacked by a dog but just had a cut on its ear and I got to stitch it up! Other than that some vaccinations and regular consults, pretty standard.

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