Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day off!

Today I had the whole day off! So I did work all day, BUT I got to go to the gym and have a nice lie in, so that was lovely! Also out flat is getting re-inspected for HMO certification so there have been people in and out the flat all week looking at and fixing things. So today some guys came in a fixed the crack in my window (that has been there since we moved in, and didn't really bother me) but now I have a new window! Tonight I'm going to a rugby social night thing, so there is a mac and cheese in the over for that, and tomorrow back to class and then my friends are having a Halloween party. And Sat I have an appointment to get new glasses and contacts, so that'll be fun. Other than that nothing particularly interesting happening!

1 comment:

  1. I had today off too!! Woo for Thursday off! Too bad I have a final tomorrow though. At least my weekend will be free of stress before I have to start at the VA.
