Saturday, July 4, 2015

Niagra falls!

Now that I'm doing something interesting again I have something to post! This last week I've been in upstate NY doing some farm/equine/a little bit of small animal ems as well. I've seen some cool stuff and everyone is super nice so so far it's been a really fun placement! For my mini excursion for this place I'm in niagra falls for the weekend! I'm staying at this really cute motel run by an Australian family and they were nice and the room is comfy and I got breakfast, so not to shabby! Today I drove over to the boarder, parked and walked into Canada! So now officially I've been to Canada and my passport card worked so that was exciting. I started just walking around in front of the falls and they are really pretty. Then I walked though this little park and up to a brewery to have lunch where I sat on the patio and listened to music with my beer flight, which was very nice. Then I went to get picked up by my little tour that I booked. We went down to the observation deck and behind the falls which was really cool and then up into the space needle thing to get an above view of the falls. Then we drove to the rapids area and saw that area and the flower clock. Then we went on the hornblower falls tour and it was so pretty and really neat to get so close to the falls. We also got SOAKED! But it was really fun to drive by so close. Then I went to the hard rock (typical tourist) to have dinner, but it's on the patio and there is lovers of while I wait for the fireworks to start! 
Then I watched the fireworks from the bridge between the U.S. and. Canada and they were really cool! The fly were lit up and everything! Now time for bed it's been a long day!

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