Friday, January 15, 2016

First week done!

I'm done with all the optho and derm
I'm ever going to have, which is super weird but it's been nice having a light week! Optho was surprisingly interesting and I feel a lot more comfortable with eyes than I did before which I think will be really helpful once I get into practice. Dermatology was interesting though a bit repetitive, but I suppose that's the nature of it. The animals were all really nice though which was a plus! On the flip side I've been ill so that's been a bit of a pain, but having a 4 days week was a blessing so I could lay on the couch and recover all day. Other than that nothing particularly interesting, did one of my DOPS so that's good and browsing jobs online to see if anything exciting comes up. And the weather has been freezing, it snowed the other day! 

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