Monday, September 19, 2011

Ewes, Shearlings, and Gimmers Oh My!

Sorry again about the delay! I guess I figured my life wasn't that interesting to write about the past few days so it wouldn't be that interesting to read about! Well I had dinner with Dr. Seto and Kat at a curry place  on Ashton Ln, which was quite delicious! After telling one of my flatmates about it and discovering that she too likes curry we will have to make another trip there in the near future! After that they all had to go back to the hotel so my flatmates and I decided to hang around Ashton a wee bit longer, the night is young! We concluded that we would like to see a movie at the theatre thats located there, it only has 2 screens and is called the Secret Cinema, attached to Grosvenors. When we went inside to pick a time to see a movie we saw that they had a secret free showing of the Dark Knight for free at 11! So we got tickets and went to the attached bar to hang out for a bit until the movie started. The theatre was so cute! You can get couches in the back or all the seats were big a leather, so we got to see the movie quite comfortably! The subsequent days were mostly grocery shopping, orientation attending, general cleaning, and city exploration into the wee hours of the night (though unintentionally). Sat we ran some more errands, after sleeping in, and a friend gave us a grand tour of the city in her car, so we got to see more of Glasgow! Then Sun I was SUPPOSED to go on a beautiful hike to Ben A'an, google it its fabulous, but instead I woke up sick as a dog. I did not leave my bed except to get the odd cup of tea, had a fever, cough, it was delightful. Fortunately today, FIRST DAY OF CLASS, I felt much better, though I was still coughing a lot, but so was about 1/3 of the class, which leads me too....
Did I meant ion that today was my first day of classes? Well it was, and it was great, except that it was a wee bit boring because I've had some of it before, and it was proteins which are not the most thrilling molecules. After that we had a break for lunch (delicious savory cheese sandwich) and then had our animal husbandry lecture chunk which was very interesting! I learned about cow and sheep production, for meat and milk and wool (sheep wool, obviously not cow wool) but it was more of an overview, though still very interesting! And now I am writing this blog, trying to will myself to not be sick since I have all but lost my voice, and its pretty much gone, so hopefully I get better soon! Happy Birthday Grammy! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better!!! Those of us stateside don't care if it's long or boring - we just enjoy getting a quick update. Day 1 of ~1700 done!!!
