Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

So I've been back for a week now, though its flown by! And Glasgow is up to its typical shenanigans ie: sunny one day, snowing (and I mean actually snowing) the next! I even got caught in the rain during my run the other day, what weather hubris I have now! My friends and I went flat hunting today and put a deposit down on a great flat! So, assuming all goes well with the application and such, we have a place! Its so great! Neglected to take pictures, but we will once we're all moved in! Other than that, mostly just studying, cleaning, the usual. We went to a cool new coffee place today that was quite nice and made friends with the woman behind the counter, a funny Brit who was complaining about the weather incessantly. Other than that pretty boring, certainly not as interesting as my dad! (though I am having fun plotting his trip, I need to get a proper map so I can connect the dots!) Also all the flowers are in bloom here, making it very lovely to walk around!

1 comment:

  1. Nice - can't wait to see the pictures of your new flat! How far is it from school? Who are you living with next year (people from vet school or other dorm-mates?) -
