some friends and i went to go see avengers assemble last night (though i can't even read the title without wanted to yell NEWS TEAM ASSEMBLE!) but i digress. it was fairly good, i wasn't particularly invested either way, but since everyone was going i caved to the peer pressure and decided that it was probably good to get out of the house, since i've basically locked myself in my room to study. anywho the alien monster thing that flies around at the end is literally a head attached to a flying vertebral column, dorsal spinous processes and all, so we all took turns looking at each other and whispering vertebral column! (since its going to be on out exam on may 10th). the joys of being a vet student! other than that its been fairly boring here, met with my mentor, did a who wants to be a millionaire review thang with neil, and had open anatomy lab yesterday, which was just us non-horsey people standing around horse legs and declaring that everything from the cannon bone down was just gay, super gay, in fact the whole horse leg, the worst! trying to find the difference between sheep/pig/cow forelimb bones, other than size, in case theres a bunch of comparative stuff on the exam, etc. so thats pretty much it, almost done with this year, crazy how fast its gone!
Yay!! a post. even what you think might be boring is very enjoyable for those of us who like to read these things!!!