Thursday, August 22, 2013

Heading down south!

I'm heading to LA for the week to visit people from school and I'm super excited! Yesterday I drove the 8.5 hour drive to San Diego, whoch didn't take as long as I thought I would, so that was nice! Though I did get stuck in the dreaded LA traffic, definitely don't miss that. I arrived in SD and snagged a parking place! Score! So the car won't be moving of I can help it! My friend and I caught up a bit, I showered since I was gross from travel, and she gave me a tour of the area. Then we went to this amazing retardant for dinner and it was so good! Amazing mac n cheese I must say, and good drinks too. Then we went to rite aid to pick up some face wash for me and headed home to chill. My friend has work in the morning so she went to bed frailty early, but I was right behind her! Long day of travel!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I didn't know you could go to bed "frailty" early :)
