Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Technical difficulties

Today was another busy day. It started off slow enough but then we started and never stopped! First I helped one of the vets flush out the horses head that had the sinus infection. She's looking a lot better, and we put in this crazy play dough plug thing into where her tooth was removed. So that was pretty cool. Then I helped hold for the wee pony who had choke so they could endoscope her oesophagus to see of the the obstruction had passed. Fortunately it had! But the tissue looks pretty angry all around where it was, but it was really cool to see the inside of the oesophagus! They really are into the
Gadgets with equine medicine. I felt really bad for the wee pony since she had such small sinuses she had a crazy nose bleed and was looking absolutely miserable. Also to test that you are in the stomach you suck in the tube and if there's negative pressure then you aren't in the trachea, but when the vet sucked in the tube all this nasty fluid came up into her mouth! It was pretty gross smelling, I can only imagine what it tasted like! Then we had another lameness assessment, shocking! It was hindlimb lame, and quite a large horse so the lameness was really obvious, which was helpful since hindlimb lameness is a lot harder to spot, at least for me. So we blocked the stifle and it then became a little right hind lame, so clearly there was some sort of problem. We radiographed the joint, and it showed evidence of arthritis. Then we did an ultrasound, and all the structures of the joint were intact, there was just a haematoma that had formed as a result of the stifle block, so instead of injecting into the joint today we are going to wait and do it tomorrow. Then we had a mate come in with her foal to have AI done. After we scanned her we found that she had already ovulated and had a CH, so hopefully it wasn't too late, and after we called the owner, decided to go ahead and inseminate her anyway. So hopefully she gets pregnant. Then we had a stifle arthroscopy, so that was really cool. And I got to scrub in! So now I know how to do closed gloving! After I scrubbed in we went in and explored the stifle joint. It was really interesting to see all te structures in there, but there were some problems with the camera and we ended up needing to plug in the old spare camera so the image wasn't the best. It turned out that the horse had OCD, really bad arthritis, and a torn meniscus, so
A pretty poor prognosis in terms of working again. Also I was kind of
Bummed that last night there was an emergency colic surgery and I missed it, though the thought of doing surgery at 3 am is a bit daunting. Still it would have been good to see an actual crazy colic, oh well! Then the last appointment was a horse that had had a really bad foot abscess, but was starting to clear up a bit. I got to see the series of radiographs that they had taken, so that was really interesting. It's been cool being at the hospital all day, but I miss going out on calls, so hopefully we have stuff like that to do tomorrow!

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