Today was a busy busy day! We went to breakfast at a restaurant called the stage door where mom tried a full Irish breakfast complete with back and white pudding, always delicious! Then we hopped on the bus and went to the guineas factory. We spent a good amount of time there doing the tour, going to the gravity bar for a pint and exploring their massive shop. Then we got back on the bus and went to the kilmainham gaol museum which was really interesig. I hadn't ever been there so it was a cool experience! Then we went on an unexpected shopping trip, unexpected in that we missed our stop and figured we may as well try to find the elusive charms, which we did! Then we ran around trying to find carolls, a tourist store, so mom and Kel could redeem their vat. After that we ran back to the hostel to drop off our stuff and the went to dinner at a place called boxtys. A boxty is apparently a potato pancake type thing, it was interesting but the food was crazy good. I had veg chilli whiy was amazing. Then we went to Oliver St John Gogartys pub to start our musical pub crawl. That was really fun. We went to 3 pubs, that one, Ha'Penny Bridge Inn, and brannigans. They talked about traditional Irish music and different styles and played for us and it was really fun! At the last bar the crowd got involved and there were some really talented people
Who went up and played some music. Kelly and I were tempted to do a rendition of baby shark, but the
Other people had everything under control. After the pub crawl we went to te Clarance Hotel, the hotel that U2 owns and went to the octagon bar for a drink before heading home for bed!
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