Friday, June 27, 2014

Planes, trains, and automobiles

Today was the last big travel day of our quick Ireland holiday. We got up, finished packing, and went downstairs to have breakfast at the hotel. Then we called a taxi to take us to the train station, where we caught a train back to Dublin, where we took another cab to the airport. When we got there we breaded through security only to discover that our flight was delayed, alas. So we hung out in the airport for a bit before catching out 35 min flight back to glasgow. Then we got the flight, 35 min in total, and walked across the bridge to the train station to catch the trai back to Glasgow where we then caught a taxi back to my flat! It was quite a day of travel but we made it! Then we went to dinner with my flatmate at curlers rest down the street, we got a bunch of tapas and it was really good! Now we're tired and have a few days left so it's bed for now!

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