Monday, August 4, 2014

Back to the coos!

Today was my first day of work in Ayr and it was pretty busy! I went out with a vet from Ireland, though sometimes I have a bit of trouble with the accent still.  First we went to a dairy (so nice to be back on a dairy!) and did a PD, and I was right that she was in calf! So I'm slowly getting better at it! Then we went to another dairy to get a 'pea' out of a teat. I should have taken pictures of the tools that the vet used, they looked like torture devices, but we got it out! Bascally it was a bit of milk that had clotted and wouldn't come out. Then while we were there we saw a castration that the farmer had missed with his rubber ring, so it was only 1 testicle that needed doing. Then we swung by another farm where another vet was doing a LDA, but by the time we got there she was getting stitched up so we didn't really do much. Then we went to a farm that had had 4 abortions in the last month 2 of which were yesterday, so we went to go get some samples to send off and the vet let me take the bloods! So that was cool, and it came out right away so I didn't look like a complete arse.  Then it was time for lunch back at the surgery. After lunch we went out to see a down cow and gave her a bottle of Ca. Afterwards me and the other student here went to go see a calving. The calf was dead but it was really hard to get out because its head was back. Eventually they were able to crank it out with the jack, but it took a lot of time and a LOT of lube. After that the day was pretty much finished so we headed to the co-op and then home~


  1. you know that some of that stuff does not sound cool (watching a dead cow be born in a difficult labor - yuck). glad you are enjoying your rotations however.

    1. Ya it's not always the best outcome, but it has to coke out one way or another, at least they didn't bring out the foetotomy wire
