To Gaborone!! We had a bit of a lie in since we were up kind of late last night, had breakfast and went to the shop really fast to get supplies for our 7hr bus ride to gabs. We tried to pay the bill but apparently this hostel only takes cash, so the guy from the hostel had to drive us all to a cash machine so we could pay them. It was fine though and we arrived at the bus terminal with plenty of time. The bus is pretty nice and has a bathroom fortunately since that was all our main concern! I did a little work while also doing some sight seeing. There were some Brahman cattle!! And some goats I think, we moved past them pretty fast.
We got to gabs easy enough and our professor met us at the bus station to take us to theirs for dinner before taking us to our hotel. It's amazing and super tacky and great! Looking forward to getting do PD some cows tomorrow and do bull fertility testing!!
have fun and post pictures!!!