Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Yesterday we went to the SSPCA and got a tour of their facilities. They were really nice and it was interesting to learn about their rehabilitation process and veterinary care. The SSPCA is the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and this particular place was where they do wild animal rehbilitation and release. It was nice to go to a real rehab place, where they try their best to limit human contact with the animals in order to release them back into the wild. There were 30 seals there and they were super cute! We got to see them being fed and given oral fluids, so that was interesting. There were birds, a peregrine falcon, pigeons, and some hedgehogs and otter, though we didn't see the later two because they want to limit human contact with the otters and the hedgehogs were hibernating. It was a fun and chill day, and it made me miss having all those wild animals back in long beach that we used to rehab, nostalgia! Other than that its been pretty boring. We got loads of cool pictures with our trail camera so that was really fun, now we're just putting our final presentation together to present on Thursday, and tomorrow we're going to the zoo! And last night we had a fun girls night to celebrate leap day and watched spice world, and it was nice to see everyone before a bunch of us leave for Africa!

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