Saturday, September 1, 2012

Easy Saturday

Today was a very low key day. I totally forgot that its Saturday, the days have no meaning anymore, which may explain why everyone was in a really good mood and everything ran very smoothly (I could say it went well because Im actually getting better at this, but I can't take all the credit). So we milked as usually, there was a new guy here (well new for me) who has some sort of autism like condition, maybe asbergers, but I don't know home well so I'm not sure. But he was here helping and everything went smoothly and I didn't even get yelled at once! Success! Then I was put on calf feeding duty, which consists of me lugging the feeder from pen to pen and filling it with milk via and old petrol nozzle. Pretty easy, but a nice break from the norm! After that we moved a cow and took care of that cow that was down yesterday, have her a Ca pill and some jabs and then checked a few cows in the shed to see how they were getting along, and then were done! So I watched some Paralympic stuff, which was great, though since it was the middle of the day the coverage was only soso. Then back to moving, but with people I genuinely like, so it was great fun! Then a quick shower and I went to a BBQ for a friend of the farmers, he's helping build the barn, a funny guy. I met a vet so we were taking about vet stuff, which was great' and where we were was so beautiful, I really love being here its really ah amazing place to be and I'm just so happy that I am able to do something like this, it's really an amazing experience and I'm having a great time! Which I've said before, but I Relly do mean it, I sometimes can't relieve that I've had the opportunity to do all of the great things I've done since starting vet school and I've never been happier and am simply grateful for being able to have these amazing experiences! The pictures are: droit to the BBQ, the vets really cute dog who was sitting in my lap, she didn't want to leave! And the last 2 are the view from the BBQ. A really beautiful place, simply amazing!

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