Friday, September 7, 2012

Not With A Fizzle But With A Bang

Well today was my last day here at the farm! And here I thought it would be an easy day, was I ever wrong! The day started off normally, went out to get the cows for milking and there was a cow calving in the field, so she was brought in to be checked out. It turns out that she had a twisted uterus, so there was that first. Then when the cows were walking to the parlour the cow we brought it yesterday with hobbles on her legs, I call her shackles, basically made a mad dash past us all and back into the field! So we left her and continued milking. Then while that was happening the vet came and (I missed this part, alas) they literally rolled the cow over to straighten out her uterus, crazy! When milking was done we had breakfast then set about trying to get shackles into the parlour for milling. Now your thinking she's in hobbles, how hard could that be? She can barely walk, that should be a cake walk. False. That cow took us on a wild goose chase (cow chase?) all over the damn farm! She barrelled over a fence, down a road, up around another fence, and the finally the BACK way to the parlour! The whole ordeal probably took 45 min to get her there. We finally milked her, then jabbed some calves, and went in for lunch. I made mac n cheese for the farmer and his wife for tea tonight,but since his wife had a thing, and it takes forever to make, I made it during dinner to save time. After that I helped move a fence so the cull cows can have more grazing area since they've made good use of the pasture they have. Then we gave some licks to cows and did some chores. It was. Ice
Since I did it all with that guy who yells a lot, though I think he's warming up to me, or has just figured screw it she's
Only here for a few more days I'll be nice to her! But we worked well today. Then we went to check on that cow that had the twisted uterus. She still hadn't calved so the guys brought out the crank and were cranking it out. It was dead, but too big to fit through her hips, so it was very very slow going. Eventually the vet had to come and cut it in half at the ribs and then again cranial to caudal and remove it piecewise. I was milking for this part, so I missed it. The 2nd milking was insane. It went smoothly but the cows
We're being real bitches. I got kicked
In the hand by my arch nemesis cow 53, she's the worst. A lot of pool, pee, general jerkiness, it was quite a time. Then tea time and now bed! I'd write
More but doing this on my phone is driving me crazy so I'm
Going to


  1. Haha I love that the cow is called Cow 53 (and too bad all that reminds me of is p53 and how it is affected by HPV). Glad you had a great time!

  2. I am so sorry that your cow experience is over. I've enjoyed the blogs immensely. Tell your friends to kick you or yell at you daily so you can blog about it. (don't try to milk them)
