Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting the hang of things!

Today I got to do a fair amount of stuff, so even though it's slow I'm getting to see some interesting stuff! First we want out and did some scans on some coos to see if they were in calf. Then we dis-budded with the torch. I don't think I've ever seen them done so young, and the vet even let me inject the lidocaine! And the calf didn't feel it so it worked! Then we went to another farm and took bloods off a few ewes. After we went back I the surgery and had lunch. After we went out and took bloods off a bunch of ewes and I even got to do a few! I'm getting better at it, I was slightly less covered in blood and got it on the first time a few times! Then we went to another farm to see if some coos were in calf and I got to watch the scans on a screen which makes it a lot easier to see what's going on in there. Also I got to rectal then after each scan to see what was going in and get some practice. There were only 3 coos and the farmer was really nice, and only 1 was in calf so it was relatively quick. After that that was us done for the day! It's crazy how fast the day goes when you're having fun and driving to each place after another. Fun times!

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