Monday, June 30, 2014

Back to work!

Today I got back to work at my next placement, which is a small animal referral centre in city centre. I was pretty nervous, though I usually am before starting a new placement, but so far its really great. I spent most of the day watching ultrasounds being done which was really fun and helpful, as I find them difficult to read. The doctors are all really nice and hopefully I get to see some cool stuff while I'm here! This week I'm seeing normal practice and then next week I'll be in out of hours. Hopefully I'll have some good stories!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Last Day of Holiday!

Well more or less, but today was the last day of our holiday all together. We got up a bit later and went to bookclub for brunch, always a worthwhile place to go! Then we walked around the vintage fair that sets up in the upstairs bit of the restaurant and Kel and mom got some cute things. Then we went over to Oliver Bonas and shopped around a bit before heading to Oran Mor for a quick pint and then took a taxi out to Auchentoshan Distillery where we went on a tour. From my experience it was the best distillery tour I've been on so far, and the woman who took us on the tour was really nice and it was just the 3 of us with her so it was very fun and informative! Afterwards we tasted some whisky, bought some whisky, and headed out. While waiting for the taxi we got an up-close and personal view of their wee herd of highland cows! The farmer was really nice and got them all to come right over to the fence so we could see them! It was nice to have a chat with the farmer about them while we were waiting, and he said that one of them had been at the Highland Show so we probably saw her! They we all so cute and friendly munching on the grass, and it was so nice of the farmer to bring them over for us. Really a great distillery and place, and I almost didn't want to go! By the time we got back here it was pretty late so we hung about the flat for a bit before going back to Bookclub for dinner, where Kelly finally tried fish and chips and mom finally got her sticky toffee pudding. All in all a pretty good last day if I do say so myself! Now I have work in the morning, so hopefully that all goes well!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Free Fallin'

Today we went Bungee Jumping! I can't believe I convinced Kelly to do it, but its totally an experience that she can only get in Glasgow for sure! We started the day going to Avenue G, a super good breakfast place near my flat and had their baked eggs dish which is amazing. Then we drove to Clydebank to do the jump. We jumped off an old crane called the Titan crane that was once used to build ships on the Clyde. I also found out that it built the Queen Mary thats now living in Long Beach! Small world! Now its been decommissioned, and there are no more cranes left in that area except for that one that has been taken over by the bungee people. Last time I went it was a normal bungee attached to your feet, but this time there was a harness around your waist so you just did a flying leap sort of thing. This time somehow I was convinced to jump off backwards, which was super scary, but really fun! We all had a good time, and while we were there an drunk man apparently jumped in the Clyde as well, so theres that. Then we all headed to brew dog so kelly could finally have it. We all got flights and their great food and just hung out in the booth for a while. Then we headed home and chilled out in my flat for the rest of the evening. A pretty chill and very Glasgow day since all the things we did today you don't get outside of this area really!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Planes, trains, and automobiles

Today was the last big travel day of our quick Ireland holiday. We got up, finished packing, and went downstairs to have breakfast at the hotel. Then we called a taxi to take us to the train station, where we caught a train back to Dublin, where we took another cab to the airport. When we got there we breaded through security only to discover that our flight was delayed, alas. So we hung out in the airport for a bit before catching out 35 min flight back to glasgow. Then we got the flight, 35 min in total, and walked across the bridge to the train station to catch the trai back to Glasgow where we then caught a taxi back to my flat! It was quite a day of travel but we made it! Then we went to dinner with my flatmate at curlers rest down the street, we got a bunch of tapas and it was really good! Now we're tired and have a few days left so it's bed for now!


This morning we got up bright and early so we could catch our flight to Dublin! We took the train to Prestwick international and with a quick flight we were there! Firstly we needed food, so after we checked into the hostel we went in search of sustenance. In temple bar we found this cool pub that made it's own beer called porterhouse and he food was really good! We also got beer flights so we could taste them. This place had like 150 beers from all over the world, it was a pretty fun place. Then we walked around a bit and got on the hop on hop off bus tour to see part of the city and
To get back to the Jameson factory since at so close to our hostel. We got super
Lucky because once we were in line they closed the rope line behind us and we were the last tour! So we lucked out. After the tour Kelly got picked to try 3 different wiskeys and compare them all. They were Jameson, johnny walker red and jack, needless to say the Jameson was the best tasting of the 3. Then after we started to walk home I realised, like an idiot, that I left my jacket at the factory so we had to run back. But I got it back! The we chilled at the hostel for a bit before heading out for dinner. We ended up going to brazen head, which is the oldest pub in Scotland, and having some food there and I finally got some Guiness! They told us that there was live music so we moved into that area of the bar and got a prime seat to watch some Irish folk music, which was lovely! I met a couple from arkensas and we met a couple from Australia as well. Then we decided that it's late so were back at the hostel to sleep in preparation for tomorrow!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Today was our full day in cork so we had to make the most of it! We got up as had breakfast in the hotel and then headed into town to catch the bus to blarney castle. As we pulled up, of course, it started raining! But really what would a trip to Ireland be without rain! It was interesting seeing the grounds again at a different time of year. The
Castle was lovely with a cloudy sky and the grounds were a pretty as ever. We wandered around the grounds and went to the top of the castle and kel and mom kissed the Blarney Stone (and hopefully didn't get herpes) and then we wandered around a bit more, had a snack at the cafe and went to the woollen mills, which is a huge Irish shopping store thing. Then we caught the bus back and hung out I the room a bit and packed and watched the first half of the US Germany game. Then we went to lungi malones for dinner because it was across the way from the opera house. After dinner we went to see Lee Evans, an English comedian. I thougt he was really funny, mom and kel had a hard time understanding him, but it was definitely something unique to do here! Last time I came I saw a play, so it was nice to go back to the opera house again. 

Another travel day

Today we went to breakfast at the merchants arch, where I had been the last time I was here. Then we went over to the book of kells, which is an old medieval book of the gospels of Jesus that were hand painted and are from the 9tj century. It was crowded but cool to see something that old that had survived for that long. Then we took a taxi to Heston station to catch the train to cork. It was a nice smooth ride, I always enjoy riding the train through the country side. We almost got off at the wrong stop, but eventually made it to cork! The hotel is really nice, especially since we've been in a hostel for the time we've been here, and right off the Main Street. Whole Kelly took a nap mom and I explored the area and it was fun to be back here. I got
Us to the opera house, since it's one
Of the places that I actually know what's there, and we ended up getting tickets to a comedy show, so were doing that thurs night. Then we made our way back to the hotel and went to dinner at a place called the market lane. It was super busy bit really good. Then we went to Oliver plunkett bar where there was a live band playing  ans they were really good! It was nice being somewhere that's a little less touristy, or at least the tourists are still Irish, and the band was great. We sat for am while with a couple from gallway so that was fun. After a while we
Decided it was time to head back and hit the hay!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Full Irish

Today was a busy busy day! We went to breakfast at a restaurant called the stage door where mom tried a full Irish breakfast complete with back and white pudding, always delicious! Then we hopped on the bus and went to the guineas factory. We spent a good amount of time there doing the tour, going to the gravity bar for a pint and exploring their massive shop. Then we got back on the bus and went to the kilmainham gaol museum which was really interesig. I hadn't ever been there so it was a cool experience! Then we went on an unexpected shopping trip, unexpected in that we missed our stop and figured we may as well try to find the elusive charms, which we did! Then we ran around trying to find carolls, a tourist store, so mom and Kel could redeem their vat. After that we ran back to the hostel to drop off our stuff and the went to dinner at a place called boxtys. A boxty is apparently a potato pancake type thing, it was interesting but the food was crazy good. I had veg chilli whiy was amazing. Then we went to Oliver St John Gogartys pub to start our musical pub crawl. That was really fun. We went to 3 pubs, that one, Ha'Penny Bridge Inn, and brannigans. They talked about traditional Irish music and different styles and played for us and it was really fun! At the last bar the crowd got involved and there were some really talented people
Who went up and played some music. Kelly and I were tempted to do a rendition of baby shark, but the
Other people had everything under control. After the pub crawl we went to te Clarance Hotel, the hotel that U2 owns and went to the octagon bar for a drink before heading home for bed!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Royal Highland Show!

Sheep shearing competition, surprisingly exciting!
Yesterday we went to the royal highland show! It's basically a big fair that's centred around farming in the uk. It was really fun! We saw so many animals, Clydesdales pulling carriages, horse jumping, cows, sheep, pigs, ducks and even a demo on dog training! We ended up staying until closing and had a great time! I'm so glad I was able to make it this year, since last year it was pouring when I tried to go. I'll definitely have to try to make it next year!

Made it to Glasgow!

Well getting here took a while but we finally made it to glasgow! We landed in Heathrow and were rushed through customs but unfortunately we missed our connection, so we got to spend a little extra time in Heathrow while we waited to get our other flight. But we eventually made it home! Andy was nice enough to drive us home, and we were somehow able to for everything in his car miraculously! My flatmate was waiting for us with Doritos and wine, because were classy like that, and then we want to bookclub really fast for a drink before getting some much needed sleep!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Heading to Glasgow!

Were all at the airport heading to Glasgow!! I'll try to be better about posting for the rest of the summer, but we are all at the gate waiting to board!